丝绸之路体育教育联盟章程 Constitution of the Silk Road Physical Education Alliance |
第一章 总 则 Chapter I General Provisions 第一条:联盟名称 Article 1: Name of the Alliance 1.1中文名称 1.1 Chinese Name 全称:丝绸之路体育教育联盟 Full name: Silk Road Physical Education Alliance 简称:丝体联 Abbreviation: SRPEA 1.2英文名称: 1.2 English Name Full name: Silk Road Physical Education Alliance 简称:SRPEA Abbreviation: SRPEA
第二条:成立时间 丝绸之路体育教育联盟(以下简称“丝体联”)于2021年5月12日在中国西安成立。 Article 2: Date of Establishment The Silk Road Physical Education Alliance (hereinafter referred to as "Alliance") shall be established on 12 May 2021 in Xi'an, China.
第三条:宗旨 “丝体联”弘扬“和平友好、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢”的丝绸之路精神,搭建体育教育合作平台,推动盟校间在校际交流、人才培养、科研合作、文化沟通、政策研究、社会服务、体育竞赛等方面的合作; 服务高素质、复合型及国际视野人才的培养;增进相互间的理解与友谊,促进不同国家间的共荣发展。 Article 3: Purpose The alliance carries forward the Silk Road spirit of "peace and friendship, openness and tolerance, mutual learning and mutual benefit", builds a platform for cooperation in physical education, promotes inter-school exchanges, talent training, scientific research cooperation, cultural communication, policy research, social services. Work together for high-quality, application-oriented and international vision of talent training to provide services;To enhance mutual understanding and friendship and promote common prosperity and the development of different countries. 第四条:性质 Article 4: Character of alliance 4.1“丝体联”是在和平发展、合作共赢时代背景下,世界范围内的高水平体育大学在平等自愿基础上,结成的非政府、非营利、开放性、国际化的高等体育教育合作联盟。 4.1 The alliance is a non-governmental, non-profit, open and international cooperation alliance of high-level worldwide sports universities on an equal and voluntary basis in the context of peaceful development and win-win cooperation.
4.2“丝体联”不是独立法人,不承担成员单位及其相互间合作及其成果的连带法律责任。 4.2 Alliance is not an independent legal entity, shall not bear joint and several legal liabilities for the cooperation between member units and their units’ achievement.
第二章 成员 Chapter II Members of the Alliance 第五条:成员资格 Article 5: Membership 5.1“丝体联”成员为具有本科或以上办学资格的大学或教育机构。 5.1 Members of the association shall be universities (sports departments) or educational institutions with bachelor's degree or above.
第六条:加入机制 Article 6: Join Condition 6.1“丝体联”发起高校为“丝体联”的创始成员。 6.1 Universities that initiate the alliance are the founding members of the alliance.
6.2有意加入“丝体联”的其他高校可向秘书处提出申请,由秘书处征求常务理事单位意见,超过2/3的常务理事单位通过后生效。 6.2 Other universities interested in joining the alliance may apply to the secretariat of the alliance, which shall solicit the opinions of the routine council members of the alliance, then can join after over 2/3 of their agree.
第七条:成员权利 Article 7: Membership rights “丝体联”成员可享有以下权利: Members of the alliance have the following rights.
7.1利用“丝体联”的共享信息及资源。 7.1 Use the alliance's Shared information and resources.
7.2开展和参与“丝体联”合作框架下的校际交流、人才培养、科研合作、文化沟通、政策研究、社会服务、体育竞赛等方面的合作。 7.2 Under the framework of alliance cooperation, carry out and participate in inter-school exchanges, talent training, scientific research cooperation, cultural communication, policy research, social services and other activities.
7.3提出“丝体联”建设建议并参加相关问题的讨论。 7.3 Propose construction suggestions to the alliance and participate in the discussion of relevant issues.
第八条:成员义务 Article 8: Membership obligations “丝体联”成员应履行以下义务: The members of the Alliance shall fulfil the following obligations.
8.1自觉遵守“丝体联”章程,维护“丝体联”声誉。 8.1 Consciously abide by the constitution of association and maintain the reputation of the alliance.
8.2积极落实相关合作内容,及时向合作方沟通有关信息。 8.2 Actively implement relevant cooperation and communicate with partners. 8.3精诚合作,不损害“丝体联”声誉或利益。 8.3 Sincere cooperation without prejudice to the interests or reputation of other alliance universities.
第三章 组织机构 Chapter III organizational structure 第九条 成员大会 Article 9: General Meeting of Members
9.1“丝体联”设置成员大会,至少每2-3年召开一次。 9.1 The alliance shall set up members assembly, at least once every 2-3 years.
9.2 成员大会由全体成员组成,每个成员单位应至少指定一位代表参加。 9.2 The General Meeting of Members shall consist of all members and each member unit shall appoint at least one representative to attend.
第十条:常务理事会 Article 10: General Meeting of Members
10.1“丝体联”设常务理事会,作为日常决策机构,每届任期五年,有增选及退出机制。 10.1 The alliance has a Standing Council, which is the decision-making body, with a five-year term of office and a mechanism for co-option and withdrawal.
10.2常务理事会应积极推动“丝体联”成员间的友好合作,组织相关交流活动。 10.2 Standing council shall actively promote friendly cooperation among members and organize relevant exchange activities.
10.3常务理事会应采取友好协商方式制定和修改“丝体联”章程。 10.3 Standing council shall be responsible for formulating and amending the constitution of association through consultation.
10.4常务理事会可对秘书处工作予以建议和协调。 10.4 Standing council advises and coordinates the work of the secretariat.
10.5 常务理事会至少每年举办一次,轮流由各理事单位举办。 10.5 The standing council will be held at least once a year, on a rotating basis by each council member.
10.6 首届常务理事会由为“丝体联”创建发挥重要作用的成员机构组成。 10.6 First standing council shall be composed of alliance member that play an important role in the creation of the alliance.
第十一条:理事长单位与副理事长单位 Article 11: President unit of Alliance and the vice-president unit of Alliance
11.1“丝体联”设理事长单位及若干副理事长单位。 11.1 The alliance shall have a president unit and several vice-president units.
11.2 理事长、副理事长单位由常务理事会推荐,超过2/3的常务理事会成员通过后产生。 11.2 The president unit and vice-president unit of the board are recommended by the council members and are elected by more than 2/3 of the standing council members.
第十二条 秘书处 Article 12: Secretariat
12.1“丝体联”设置秘书处,负责日常服务与联络工作。 12.1 The alliance will set up a secretariat, which would be responsible for the daily service and liaison work of the alliance.
12.2“丝体联”秘书处设在威尼斯欢乐娱人v3676,其运行费用由威尼斯欢乐娱人v3676负责筹集。 12.2 The Secretariat of the alliance is located at the Xi'an Physical Education university,which is responsible for financing and its running costs.
第十三条:特别观察员 Article 13: Special observers
13.1为推动“丝体联”发展,可聘请具有崇高社会声誉,并为高等体育教育国际合作做出杰出贡献的专家、学者、教练员、运动员作为“丝体联”特别观察员。 13.1 Experts, scholars, coaches and athletes of high social standing who have made outstanding contributions to international cooperation in higher physical education may be recruited as special observers for the development of the alliance.
13.2特别观察员应“丝体联”邀请可出席联盟各种会议,但不具有投票权。 13.2 Special observers are invited by the alliance to attend meetings of the Union, but do not have the right to vote.
第四章 合作内容 Chapter IV Content of cooperation 第十四条:校际交流 Article 14: Inter-school exchange
14.1开展形式多样的校际交流活动。 14.1 A variety of inter-school exchange activities.
14.2建设“丝体联”信息交流与资源共享的平台。 14.2 Building a platform for information exchange and resource sharing for the alliance.
14.3“丝体联”的各类交流活动,应在互利共赢的原则基础上,在合作方的法律框架下进行,并由合作方自行友好协商确定。 14.3 The various exchange activities of the alliance shall be carried out under the legal framework of the partners on the basis of the principle of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, and shall be determined by the partners themselves through friendly negotiations.
第十五条:人才培养 Article 15: talent training 15.1推动“丝体联”扩大留学生规模,开展合作办学、联合培养与各类交流培训。 15.1 Promote the alliance to expand the scale of international students and carry out cooperative education, joint training and various exchanges and training between inter-school.
15.2“丝体联”的各类人才培养合作,应在合作方的法律框架下进行,由合作方自行友好协商确定。 15.2 The cooperation of the talent training in the alliance shall be carried out within the legal framework of the partners and determined by the partners themselves through friendly negotiations.
第十六条:科研合作 Article 16: Scientific cooperation
16.1促进“丝体联”科技人员交流与合作,通过共同申报科研合作项目,共建联合实验室(研究中心)、国际技术转移中心等合作,提升科技创新能力。 16.1 Promote the exchange and cooperation of scientific and technological personnel between the alliance universities. Through joint application for scientific research cooperation projects, build joint laboratories (research centers), international technology transfer centers and other cooperation, enhance scientific and technological innovation capacity.
16.2“丝体联”框架下的科研合作,以及科研成果、专利等引起的产权等问题,应由合作方自行友好协商确定。 16.2 Scientific research cooperation within the framework of the alliance, as well as property rights disputes arising from scientific research achievements and patents, shall be determined and settled by the relevant partners through consultations under the legal framework.
第十七条:文化沟通 Article 17: Cultural Communication
17.1可合作举办科技创新竞赛、文化交流营、暑期项目、体育竞赛、艺术节等各类活动,增进“丝体联”盟校师生间的交流与友谊。 17.1 Alliance universities may cooperate to hold sports science and technology innovation competition, sports culture exchange camp, sports certification project, sports competition, art festival and other activities to enhance the exchanges and friendship between teachers and students of the alliance universities. 17.2“丝体联”框架下的各类文化沟通活动应本着平等互信的原则,遵循各自国家与地区的民族与宗教习惯。 17.2 Cultural communication activities within the framework of the alliance shall follow the principle of equality and mutual trust and the ethnic and religious customs of their respective countries and regions.
第十八条:政策研究 Article 18: Policy Research 18.1在和平友好的基础上,开展体育人文社科领域的交流合作,建设各具特色的智库与政策研究合作平台。 18.1 On the basis of peace and friendship, exchanges and cooperation in the field of sports, humanities and social sciences are carried out, and think tanks and policy research cooperation platforms with their own characteristics are built.
18.2“丝体联”框架下的政策研究应遵循适用的国际或国内法律规则进行。 18.2 Policy research under the alliance framework shall be conducted in accordance with applicable international or national laws and regulations.
第十九条:社会服务 Article 19: Social service 鼓励有条件、有特色的高校在相互尊重的基础上,开展各种类型的社会服务合作,提升社会服务能力。 Universities with conditions and characteristics are encouraged to carry out various types of social service cooperation on the basis of mutual respect to enhance their social service capacity.
第二十条:区域及专业子联盟 Article 20: Regional and Professional Sub-Unions 20.1“丝体联”各盟校可根据各自合作意向,在“丝体联”框架下构建多样化、有特色的区域或专业合作子联盟。 20.1 Alliance universities may, according to their respective cooperation intentions, construct diversified and distinctive regional or professional cooperative sub-alliances within the alliance framework.
20.2各子联盟可拥有独立章程,但应遵循本章程的基本原则与精神。 20.2 Each sub-association may have its own constitution but shall be governed by the basic principles and spirit of this constitution.
第五章 附 则 Chapter V Supplementary Provisions 第二十一条:本章程须经“丝体联”常任理事会审议通过,并需向全体“丝体联”成员公布,自公布之日起生效。 Article 21: This Constitution shall be approved by the standing Council of the Federation and shall be published to all members of the Federation and shall take effect from the date of publication.
第二十二条:本章程由“丝体联”秘书处负责解释。 Article 22: These constitution shall be interpreted by the Secretariat of the Silk Road Physical Education Alliance. |